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INSTAGRAM Basics for Business Workshop.

Sabato 16 e Domenica 17 Novembre 2019.

Introduction to Instagram Basics for Business:

Our new Visual Creatives Workshops are free, email-based courses that provide tactical tips and resources for you to become a better visual content marketer. Each workshop contains a lesson for the day, examples from industry influencers and members of our community, and a bit of homework to help you build your own visual content strategy. Our first free workshop is Introduction to Instagram for Business, where you will learn 5 key strategies to growing both your audience and your business using Instagram! About the Introduction to Instagram for Business Workshop. If you’re just getting started on using Instagram for business, this is the course for you! In this workshop we’ll cover the basics of using Instagram for business and show you how to plan, manage, and optimize your Instagram strategy. Once you’ve signed up for the free workshop, you will receive a new lesson each day for one week, and you can work at your own pace. What You’ll Learn in the Introduction to Instagram for Business: How to craft an effective Instagram profile Learn how to write an Instagram bio that is optimized for targeted keywords related to your industry, and what you need to include to help your business stand out. The three ‘C’s to planning your Instagram. Understand why you should plan and manage your content ahead of time, and see how to organize a content calendar for Instagram. Plus, learn the posting techniques that could help you beat the Instagram algorithm and gain new followers. How to write a compelling Instagram caption. Craft a caption with a clear call to action. Learn how to encourage your followers to participate in a group discussion, contest, or campaign, and how to break up your text to engage the wandering eye. How to curate a gorgeous Instagram feed. Learn how to visualize your overall content strategy and view your Instagram profile as an entire feed in order to establish a branding standard that appeals to larger audiences. Hashtag strategy and research Understanding your core audience members is key to finding success on Instagram. Learn how to research hashtags that are targeted to your business and will help you grow engaged communities.

CALENDARIO ORARI E LOCATION: Sabato 16 Novembre, ore 10.00 / 13.00 - 15.00 18.00. Domenica 17 Novembre, ore 10.00 / 13.00 - Parco delle Arti Musicali "TORRI MONTANARE" di Lanciano 66034 (CH) Italy. Tutte le informazioni le specifiche e i moduli di iscrizione saranno disponibili sul sito ufficiale nella sezione rispettiva.
Le indicazioni di carattere logistico, potranno essere reperite, anche contattando la segreteria amministrativa via mail
oppure telefonicamente, 0872.709762 – 0872.710241, tutti i giorni dalle ore 9.30 alle 13.00 escluso il sabato.

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Segreteria e Sede Artistica presso il “Parco delle Arti Musicali” TORRI MONTANARE – Lanciano (CH) Italia
tel. (0039) 0872.709762 - fax (0039) 0872.710241 -

Sede Amministrativa presso Larghetto Malvò, 12 - 66034 Lanciano (CH) - Italia - CASELLA POSTALE 26